Sunday, March 26, 2006


Ultimate Dhimmitude : Jews Banned From Temple Mount

Can you imagine that? The temple mount is the holiest site in Judaism, yet the Israeli self hating government bans Jews from going due to threats from the Muslim community :

Israel's Police have announced that the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, is now closed to Jews. The decision followed threats of Muslim violence leveled by Islamist Mufti of Jerusalem and other Arab leaders, who promised they would not allow rabbis to ascend the mount as planned Monday.

The Movement for the Establishment of the Third Temple issued a statement in response to the decision. "The movement is not surprised by that the Kadima government continues its tradition of surrender to Hamas violence by closing the Temple Mount to Jews tomorrow. This surrender will be reflected in the ballot box, when the public sees its weakness in the face of the Arab enemy, while at the same time using an iron fist against those in the Jewish nation who want to ascend and pray at the holiest site to the Jewish people."


Great reading thhis

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