Thursday, July 27, 2006
Jihadists Murder Thai Teacher In Front Of Students

Thai plainclothes forensic officers examine a classroom where a suspected Muslim insurgent shot to death a primary school teacher in Narathiwat province, southern Thailand, Monday, July 24, 2006. The gunman disguised himself in a student uniform, entered the fourth grade classroom and killed Prasarn Martchu, a 46-year-old Buddhist teacher while he was teaching, before fleeing the scene on a motorcycle with a getaway driver. Narathiwat is one of three Muslim-majority provinces in southern Thailand that have been gripped by sectarian violence since 2004. More than 1,500 people have died in the violence, blame on separatist insurgents. (AP Photo/Sumeth Parnpetch)Don't tell me, the Buddhist invaders stole the indigenous Thai Muslims land and the "insurgents" [terrorists!!!] are simply trying to get their livelihoods back.
Wherever they form a majority it is a pain..who are they? Anyone hazard a guess?
See you got linkage from LGF
c you in a bit ;)
Hey guys,
At my blog and some of my buddies like SAMBO CENSORMAN the LEFTIST SLAVER, AmeriKKKaner Pederast, and of course SAMBO WARREN the INJUN KILLER I, MULLAH BEAK the DHS PEDOPHILE am fighting a war with evil JOHN BROWN of SAVAGE JUSTICE. We want to keep sensoring our plogs and spamming his?
EVIL JOHN BROWN stoled my avatar, he putted me on the Klanswatch even though my friend LaShon Taylor got sexually harassed by Uptown Steve, who is an unwelcome presents on my blog.
Now us are spamming his blog, and I ask for your assisstents in spamming JOHN BROWN blog as revernge for invading my blog.
You could lurn a lot by just reeding my blog see me and SAMBO WARREN the INJUN KILLER started our blog community and now look how super-cool we are!
Duck in 2008
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Hmm.. never saw this in any news paper in the middle east.. i wonder why.. Wherever they form a majority it is a pain..who are they? Anyone hazard a guess?
J you're not posting much over here, come on what's going on?!See you got linkage from LGF
sorry i havn't posted in a while guys, i've been moving house and had no frickin broadband. Hopefully I'm getting it setup today so should be blogging sooner rather than later.c you in a bit ;)
ok, looks like i won't be getting the dsl for another week. For any iblogas out there, yes, I have just noticed the IBA babe has knocked the page down, so am gonna try an borrow a dial up modem and sort it out later.---------------
At my blog and some of my buddies like SAMBO CENSORMAN the LEFTIST SLAVER, AmeriKKKaner Pederast, and of course SAMBO WARREN the INJUN KILLER I, MULLAH BEAK the DHS PEDOPHILE am fighting a war with evil JOHN BROWN of SAVAGE JUSTICE. We want to keep sensoring our plogs and spamming his?
EVIL JOHN BROWN stoled my avatar, he putted me on the Klanswatch even though my friend LaShon Taylor got sexually harassed by Uptown Steve, who is an unwelcome presents on my blog.
Now us are spamming his blog, and I ask for your assisstents in spamming JOHN BROWN blog as revernge for invading my blog.
You could lurn a lot by just reeding my blog see me and SAMBO WARREN the INJUN KILLER started our blog community and now look how super-cool we are!
Duck in 2008
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