Friday, July 07, 2006
Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda. Nothing To Do With Islam

[click the picture to watch the BBC news report on the video release]
Cast your mind back a few weeks and you may remember my post refuting the statements made by some that the 7th July bombers had no connection to Al Qaeda and that there was no Islamic ideology behind the attacks.
Well, now a video of one of the other July 7th suicide terrorists, Shehzad Tanweer, has been released. By who you ask? By Al Sahab, the Al Qaeda production company, who used their normal route of getting the video aired via the terrorist news outlet Al Jazeera.
This video of Shehzad Tanweer contains the usual whining and self righteous nonsense that featured in the video of Mohammad Siddique Khan, but alas I haven't had a chance to get hold of the raw clip for you all to see.
Well, that's all for now, but seeing as today is the anniversary of the July the 7th attacks, a day when a group of religous young Muslims followed the fundamentals of their "holy" book and attempted to "instil terror into the hearts of the non-believers" [Quran - 3.151], I would like to say to all the living victims of the terror attacks to be strong and that our thoughts are with you, and to all those who didn't make it may you rest in peace.

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