Friday, September 09, 2005
War On Terror? Pull The Other One
Whenever someone talks to me about the "war on terror", i usually try and explain one thing. The "war on terror" is a lie! Terror is not the enemy, but the means of the enemy. A war against terrorism is like a war against drugs, only refusing to acknowledge the drug dealers and drug cultivators behind drugs trade. Rather than rant on, i would recommend reading this article about the phony label that has been given to this war against the very real jihadist enemy :
Stopping terrorists, using all necessary means, is vital in protecting the nation. We cannot win without the use of force and first-rate intelligence. But suicide bombers are merely the expendable, deluded cannon fodder of ruthless ideologues. This has been true with terrorists throughout history. The long-term battle is against the underlying ideas and leaders behind these specific groups of terrorists.
Despite factionalism and fierce doctrinal disputes, our enemies, broadly speaking, constitute a movement, with goals, gurus, ideologues, myths and martyrs. They share a core set of virulently anti-Western beliefs and have common goals: to destroy the moderate (and still majority) wing of Islam, to establish Islamist theocracies that look backward toward a mythic "golden age," to seek the destruction of Israel, and to inflict maximum damage and human suffering through acts of terrorism.
Among its leaders, there is one whose face is as internationally recognized today as Adolf Hitler's was in 1941. He was responsible for Sept. 11. Yet the United States has not made it a primary goal to expose Osama bin Laden as the monster he is, something Roosevelt and Winston Churchill did to Hitler, and American leadership did to communism during the Cold War by demonstrating its moral and intellectual bankruptcy. Bin Laden (unlike Saddam Hussein) has been virtually ignored in public by official Washington.
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- "Freies Arabien" - Insignia And Pictures Of The Muslim Nazi Army Made Up Exclusively Of North African Arab Muslims
(WWII Era)
- Fatah Police Do The Nazi Salute
- Hezbollah Hitler Youth Style Rally
- Fateh Youth Members Do The Nazi Salute
- Entire Iranian Crowd Do Nazi Salute In Germany Vs Iran Football Match During German National Anthem, In Germany! (9/10/2004) alt pic 1alt pic 2
- Hezbollah Nazi Salute
- Lebanese Islamonazi Rally
- Various Pictures Of Muslims Doing The Nazi Salute
Misc. Links
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- The Official Website of the Prophet Mohammed - Beware of Cheap imitations!
- Jewish Task Force
- Masada 2000
- Palestine Facts - Great resourse on the Israel/"Palestine" conflict
- American victims of Islamic terrorism
- - List of islamic terror attacks since 9/11
Previous Posts
Christians, Heed Your Brothers Calls!Facing The "Palestinian" Lies
Osama Tape Played To Court In Terror Trial
Thanks For The Money, Suckers!
Bob Denver Passes Away
A Modern Libel
Executed For Not Converting To Islam, Brixton, UK
Something New Everyday
Chaos in "Palestine" - Moussa Arafat Executed
What A Moron
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