Saturday, December 17, 2005


Must Watch Video!

Clearing The Set For The Staging Of The Muhamed al Durah Fraud
click the picture or here to see the video [Birth Of An Icon]

From the makers of "Pallywood", a film that exposed the lies being broadcast by the "palestinian" media and transmitted without question by countless western news outlets, is a new, must see video which documents the evidence surrounding the supposed shooting of Muhamed al Durah, such as the missing footage, missing bullets, the cameraman who filmed the footage caught out lying during an interview with a bbc reporter, the boy being seen in unscreened footage covering his face and moving when he is supposedly dead and much more. This film includes footage not seen on any mainstream western news outlets, so watch it, or you might never know what you missed.

(For more information and videos visit 'The Second Draft' )

And finally a well done for the creators of this great documentary. Keep up the good work.


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wow, if this is true, France should be sued into the stone-age!


Excellent video - and it seems to have been researched well... Duly linked to!


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staged shootings? seriously.. stop pushing conspiracy theories. better go and buy runescape gold, it makes everyone happy


I appreciate how thoroughly researched and presented these findings are.

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